Monday, March 15, 2010

Any Fool

I have recently come to realized that I am a cynic. I have joked about it for years, but I am a cynic. I don't know how I got here. If I look back over my travels I don't see any real signs that indicated if I turned here I would end up where I am today.

So to change I guess I first have to determine how I got here in the first place. Is it the TV I watch? There does seem to a lot of shows that are very cynical in nature like the Cobert Report or The Daily Show, maybe that is where I caught it from. It could be in the newspaper I read, the letters to the editor are usually very full of emotions that can be considered cynical. As I am writing this I am listening to "Things that make you go hummmm..." That is not going help.  It must be coming from somewhere, I wonder if there is a 12 step program for people who are trying to break the habit?

Well, I am going to try and work at being positive about life, family, friends and work. I am sure that if I just give it some attention then I will be able to do it.......yea right that will work.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain...and most fools do.
Dale Carnegie

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