I am sure that I am not unlike a lot of others when I say there are times when I wonder if I am doing the right thing. Now I don't mean am I doing the proper thing or not being "evil" kind of right but am I doing what I should be doing with my life. I have not been watching TV for the last few weeks and as you would guess I have some free time that used to be taken up by the mind numbing box in the corner of the room. So I have had plenty of time to think about what I am doing and if I should be doing it.
There are plenty of test you take in school that tell you what kind of job you should have or what kind of skills you should be using, but what about the rest of your life? Is there a test for that?
What is it that keeps us from doing in life what we want? One study says it is fear that stops us or that we are boxed in by the thoughts, feelings, hopes of our family, spouses and friends. So without even realizing it we let those around us decide for us what we are doing, why do we do that? Unless we are completely honest with those around us (and I don't believe we really are with most of them) they will not know what we really should be doing.
What would you do if did not have to worry about what others thought or what you were afraid of? Who could you be if everyone around you cheered you on to success?
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
James Dean
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