My dad, who happens to be the owner of this little blog, used to say this all the time, it would infuriate me. It made me feel like such a dumb ass. “I know you’re not going to understand this, but that’s gonna be hot” he’d say after I touched a hot pan. With my wounded finger in the in my mouth (something about my saliva has healing powers) I’d hang my head in shame, or so he thought. Really I was just lowering my eyes so I could roll them at him without him seeing, he hated that. He would use that phrase in all sorts of my less then intelligent moments. So it surprised me the other day when I used that very same phrase myself, but I said it in my head. Now I can see its appeal. I was walking through the weight room in my gym I saw two, not one like normal but two, guys wearing flip-flops.
“I know you’re not going to understand this, but you could lose a toe” I really don’t understand this trend. Are you too cool/sexy for proper shoes? It’s a gym not at Right Said Fred song. That is just as bad as the men who stand around by the equipment just to look “hot”. With their tight shorts and oddly hanging tank tops, they just confuse me. Or the women you see wearing a ton’o make-up and froofed up hair. Isn’t the point of going to the gym to work out, to sweat, and to stink? Not to pick up on or be picked up on. I have a wonderful idea, and if I can find financing for it, this idea will solve this annoyance of mine, and I highly doubt I am alone on it. I will open a fake gym. A pseudo-gym if you prefer. It will look like a gym; you won’t be able to tell a difference by walking in the door. But pick up a weight and you’ll see the point here isn’t to work out. In fact sweating will not be allowed. Our weights will be made of Styrofoam, our machines of plastic. The treadmills won’t work either, and the Stairmaster- for decoration. This will set the perfect scene for all those flip-flop wearing non-workouter workouters and lingering picker-upers. That way they can get out of the gym and let the rest of us, serious about fitness, get back to work and be less annoyed.
If you are interested in backing this I-can’t-believe-someone-hasn’t-thought-of-this-yet idea, please contact me. Let’s get the ball rolling!
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